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1. The greatest number of molecules of ATP is
7. In animals, the organelles in which aerobic
produced as a result of
cellular respiration occurs are known as
(1) aerobic respiration
(1) ribosomes
(3) nuclear
(2) anaerobic respiration
(3) fermentation of lactic acid
(2) chloroplasts
(4) mitochondria
(4) fermentation by yeast cells
8. Within a plant cell, the glucose formed as a result
2. Which statement concerning the process of
of photosynthesis may be used directly as
aerobic respiration is true?
(1) an energy source during cellular
(1) It is identical to the process of burning.
(2) It is quite similar in all organisms.
(2) an enzyme for intracellular digestion
(3) It usually does not involve organic catalysts.
(3) an absorber of radiant energy
(4) It usually does not involve carbon dioxide
(4) a source of molecular oxygen
9. Most animals make energy available for cell
3. During which process is oxygen used by green
activity by transferring the potential energy of
glucose to ATP. This process occurs during
(1) photosynthesis
(3) osmosis
(1) aerobic respiration, only
(2) hydrolysis
(4) respiration
(2) anaerobic respiration, only
(3) both aerobic and anaerobic respiration
4. To start the oxidation of one molecule of
(4) neither aerobic and anaerobic respiration
glucose, two molecules of ATP must be used
10. Which of the following processes releases the
(1) certain chemical reactions in a living cell
greatest amount of energy?
require activation energy
(1) the oxidation of one glucose molecule to
(2) this is a spontaneous reaction which does not
lactic acid molecules
require energy input
(2) the oxidation of one glucose molecule to
(3) the glucose molecule does not contain
carbon dioxide and water molecules
potential energy
(3) the conversion of two glucose molecules to a
(4) all chemical reactions release energy
maltose molecule
(4) the conversion of one glucose molecule to
5. The aerobic respiration of a molecule of glucose
alcohol and carbon dioxide molecules
releases more energy than the anaerobic
respiration of a molecule of glucose because, in
11. The oxidation of a glucose molecule results in
aerobic respiration,
the synthesis of ATP, water, and carbon dioxide.
(1) carbon dioxide is used
This process is known as
(2) more chemical bonds are broken
(1) Anaerobic respiration
(3) oxygen is released
(2) Aerobic respiration
(4) lactic acid is formed
(3) Photochemical reactions of photosynthesis
(4) Carbon-fixation reactions of photosynthesis
6. In a green plant cell, oxygen is used primarily for
the process of
12. A similarity in the aerobic respiratory activity of
(1) dehydration synthesis (3) respiration
animals is the
(2) photosynthesis
(4) capillary action
(1) gases used and produced
(2) net gain of four ATP molecules
(3) type of alcohol produced
(4) temperature of the respiratory organs for more review
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13. The products of aerobic respiration in green
19. Which statement best describes an aerobic
plants are ATP and
(1) lactic acid and oxygen
(1) It uses free O 2 for respiration, but it
(2) glucose and oxygen
cannot make its own food.
(3) carbon dioxide and water
(2) It uses free O 2 for respiration, and it can
(4) carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol
make its own food.
(3) It does not use free O 2 for respiration, and it
14. The main result of aerobic respiration is the
cannot make its own food.
(1) conversion of radiant energy into chemical
(4) It does not use free O 2 for respiration, but it
can make its own food.
(2) production of lactic acid as an end product
(3) storage of energy in a polysaccharide
20. The potential energy of organic molecules is
(4) production of ATP from the breakdown of
most readily available to cells in the form of
(1) adenosine triphosphate
(2) water
15. In the process of respiration, aerobic organisms
(3) minerals
generally use
(4) ribonucleic acid
(1) carbon dioxide and give off molecular
21. Which statement best describes one of the
(2) molecular nitrogen and give off carbon
events taking place in the chemical reaction
represented below?
(3) carbon dioxide and give off molecular
H O + ATP ATPase ADP + P + energy
(4) molecular oxygen and give off carbon
(1) Energy is being stored as a result of aerobic
(2) Fermentation is taking place, resulting in the
16. Which substance is needed for aerobic cellular
synthesis of ATP.
respiration to occur?
(3) Energy is being released for metabolic
(1) oxygen
(3) nitrogen
(2) carbon dioxide
(4) methane
(4) Photosynthesis is taking place, resulting in
the storage of energy.
17. In plant and animal cells, most enzymes involved
in aerobic cellular respiration are located
22. In a bean plant, which reaction will release the
greatest amount of energy?
(1) throughout the cytoplasm
(2) within the ribosomes
(1) aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule
(3) on the endoplasmic reticulum
(2) anaerobic respiration of a glucose molecule
(4) within the mitochondria
(3) synthesis of a chlorophyll molecule
(4) hydrolysis of a cellulose molecule
18. What is the net gain in ATP following
completion of aerobic cellular respiration of one
23. In plant cells, which organelle is most closely
molecule of glucose in a brain cell?
associated with aerobic respiration?
(1) 30
(3) 36
(1) mitochondrion
(3) lysosome
(2) 2
(4) 4
(2) chloroplast
(4) nucleolus for more review
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