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1.Based on the gene chromosome theory, the law of independent assortment assumes that certain genes are
(1) formed by chromosomal mutations
(3) formed in the cytoplasm
(2) located on the same chromosome
(4) located on separate chromosomes
2.The diagram below represents a pair of homologous chromosomes. Which allelic combination represents the
heterozygous condition for a trait?
(1) Aa
(2) BB
(3) AB
(4) aB
3.In the diagram below of two homologous chromosomes, what do r and R represent?
(1) two different alleles
(3) two identical alleles
(2) two gametes that can form a zygote
(4) two chromosomes in a hybrid pea plant
4.According to the gene-chromosome theory, which statement is true?
(1) Genes are present only on human chromosomes.
(2) Genes are arranged in a linear sequence on a chromosome.
(3) Alleles are located on nonhomologous chromosomes.
(4) Mutations occur mainly in sex cells
5.Which diagram represents a pair of homologous chromosomes?
6.Hereditary information for most traits is generally located in
(1) genes found on chromosomes
(3) the mitochondria of gametes
(2) chromosomes found on genes
(4) the lysosomes in the cytoplasm for more review
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7.The diagram below represents a pair of homologous autosomes.
The letters B and b represent genes for a certain trait. These letters also represent
(1) an allelic pair of genes
(3) genes for sex determination
(2) linked genes
(4) homozygous genes
8.The mechanism that accounts for the separation and recombination of the "hereditary factors" proposed by
Mendel is best described in the
(1) concept of multiple alleles
(3) theory of natural selection
(2) concept of gradualism
(4) gene-chromosome theory
9.According to the gene-chromosome theory, the two alleles associated with a single trait are located at
(1) corresponding positions on homologous chromosome
(2) corresponding positions on non-homologous
(3) different positions on homologous chromosomes
(4) different positions on non-homologous chromosomes
10.The hereditary factors proposed by Mendel are now known to be composed of
(1) ATP
(2) lipids
(3) starch
(4) DNA
11.Which statement is part of the gene-chromosome theory?
(1) Chromosomes migrate during mitotic cell division to form gametes.
(2) Alleles governing the same trait are found on the same chromosome.
(3) Alleles governing the same trait are found on homologous chromosomes.
(4) Chromosomes link during meiotic cell division to double the chromosome number.
12.Which chromosome pair below best illustrates the gene-chromosome theory?
13.The gene-chromosome theory states that
(1) chromosomes from both parents always have identical genes
(2) genes exist at definite loci in a linear sequence on chromosomes
(3) homologous chromosomes do not have alleles
(4) Mendel's principles no longer apply to genetics
14.The fact that people with red hair usually have freckles is an illustration of
(1) gene linkage
(3) intermediate inheritance
(2) independent assortment
(4) dominance for more review
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