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1.What are the basic structural units of a DNA molecule?
(1) glucose molecules
(2) amino acids
(3) lipids
(4) nucleotides
2.The diagram below represents the building block of a large molecule known as a
(1) protein
(2) fatty acid
(3) carbohydrate
(4) nucleic acid
3.All nucleotides of DNA and RNA contain a
(1) uracil base
(2) thymine base
(3) ribose sugar
(4) phosphate group
4.Which scientists developed the molecular model represented below?
(1) Mendel and Darwin
(3) Lamarck and Weismann
(2) Watson and Crick
(4) Miller and Fox
5.Which scientists developed the double helix model of the DNA molecule?
(1) Watson and Crick
(2) Hardy and Weinberg
(3) Darwin and Lamarck (4) Weismann and Miller
6.A polymer commonly found in the nucleus of cells is
(1) ATP
(2) hemoglobin
(3) cellulose
(4) DNA
7.Which molecule has the shape of a double-stranded helix?
(1) RNA
(2) DNA
(3) ADP
(4) ATP
8.The individuality of an organism is determined by the
(1) sequence of nitrogenous bases in deoxyribonucleic acid
(2) number of amino acids in a cell
(3) position of the ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum
(4) number of nitrogenous bases in a codon
9.Watson and Crick described the DNA molecule as a
(1) straight chain
(2) single strand
(3) double helix
(4) branching chain for more review
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10.A student using a compound light microscope to observe a cell saw a number of threadlike nuclear structures
such as those shown in the photograph below.
These threadlike structures are composed primarily of
(1) fatty acids
(2) glucose
(3) nucleic acids
(4) lipids
11.Which of the following nucleic acids contains thymine?
(1) DNA, only
(3) Transfer RNA, only
(2) Messenger RNA, only
(4) DNA, messenger RNA, and transfer RNA
12.DNA is a polymer consisting of repeating units known as
(1) dipeptides
(2) nucleotides
(3) amino acids
(4) organic salts
13.The diagram below represents a portion of a DNA molecule.
The letter X represents two nitrogenous bases that are
(1) identical and joined by hydrogen bonds
(3) identical and joined by ionic bonds
(2) complementary and joined by hydrogen bonds
(4) complementary and joined by ionic bonds
14.The DNA molecule has a ladder-type structural organization. Each rung of this ladder represents
(1) alternating phosphate and glucose molecules
(3) ribose molecules
(2) a pair of nitrogenous bases
(4) a random organization of proteins and lipids
15.The nitrogen bases found in DNA are represented by the letters
(1) A, U, G, and C
(2) A, T, G, and C
(3) T, A, P, and C
(4) T, U, G, and C
16.The weakest bonds in a double-stranded molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid exist between the
(1) deoxyribose sugars
(2) phosphate groups
(3) nitrogenous bases
(4) 5-carbon sugars for more review
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