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1. Which parts of the molecule in the diagram
6. All enzymes are examples of organic molecules
below are involved in the formation of peptide
known as
(1) proteins
(3) lipids
(2) carbohydrates
(4) nucleic acids
7. Saturated molecules of this nutrient, which may
predispose humans to cardiovascular disease, are
solid at room temperature.
(1) Lipids
(4) Proteins
(2) Carbohydrates
(5) Vitamins
(3) Minerals
(1) 1 and 2
(3) 2 and 4
(2) 2 and 3
(4) 1 and 3
8. Proteins ingested by animals are immediate
sources of
2. the diagram below, which number indicates a
(1) glucose
(3) fatty acids
carboxyl group?
(2) cellulose
(4) amino acids
9. If there were no nitrogen compounds in the soil,
the most immediate effect on plants growing in
that soil would be difficulty in synthesizing
(1) amino acids and proteins
(2) glucose and polysaccharides
(3) monosaccharides and cellulose
(4) fatty acids and lipids
10. An element found in all proteins but not found in
(1) 1
(3) 3
carbohydrates and lipids is
(2) 2
(4) 4
(1) carbon
(3) oxygen
3. A protist measures 500 micrometers in diameter.
(2) hydrogen
(4) nitrogen
What is the diameter of this organism in
11. The structural formula of a molecule is shown
(1) 0.5
(3) 50
(2) 5.0
(4) 500
4. Every living cell contains molecules of
(1) cellulose
(3) protein
(2) chlorophyll
(4) hemoglobin
5. Enzymes are produced as a direct result of which
The part of the molecule indicated by X is known
as a
(1) protein synthesis
(3) respiration
(1) carboxyl group
(3) peptide bond
(2) photosynthesis
(4) enzymatic
(2) hydrogen bond
(4) variable side group
hydrolysis for more review
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